Fibromyalgia disorder is a rheumatic disorder
Submitted by Dr. Dana Gleeson
Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disorder characterized by chronic achy muscular pain that has no obvious physical cause. The most distinctive feature of fibromyalgia is the existence of certain “tender or trigger points”; eighteen specific spots where the muscles are abnormally tender to the touch. The eighteen points tend to cluster in the base of the skull, neck, shoulders, upper back, chest, knees, elbows, hips and pelvis. Most people describe the pain as being burning, throbbing stabbing, shooting or constant (like a toothache). This pain leads to the chronic stiffness and decreased range of motion in the affected muscle groups.
Fibromyalgia may be accompanied by chronic headaches, extreme fatigue, memory loss, jaw pain, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome and strange sensations in the skin. Other more severe symptoms often involved with this disease include premenstrual syndrome, anxiety, heart palpitations, irritable bladder, dizziness, dry eyes and mouth, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and impaired coordination. Depression is a major factor that accompanies this disorder, and the stress from this has been known to trigger the formation of problems similar to those associated with cardiovascular disease and adrenal gland dysfunction. The immune system can become compromised with fibromyalgia, which can lead to chronic bacterial and viral infections.
To date, over 6 million people are known to be suffering from Fibromyalgia in the United States alone. The symptoms come on gradually and slowly increase in intensity. The pain can be intensified with overexertion, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, grief or trauma. Daily life can be severely impaired due to the chronic pain of this disease. Movements such as lifting, walking or climbing stairs can be very difficult and a large number of people are totally disabled by this condition.
The cause of Fibromyalgia is not known but research evidence has come up with possible links including immune system dysfunction, brain chemical dysfunction, infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, anemia, chronic mercury poisoning, hypoglycemia, chronic yeast, and hypothyroidism.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia| infrared Sauna therapy
Submitted by Dr. Chris Spooner
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic syndrome characterized by widespread pain with specific tender areas . Although the etiology of FMS is unknown, this syndrome is occasionally accompanied by rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases1. Several effective methods have been reported for the treatment of pain in patients with FMS. In addition to the use of antidepressants and a new anti-convulsant , exercise and spa therapy have been suggested to improve the symptoms in FMS patients . However, the severity of symptoms in FMS patients varies widely, and exercise and spa therapy cannot be applied in many patients with disabilities in daily life due to their compromised physical condition. Therefore, improved methods for the treatment of such patients are necessary.
Fibromyalgia (FM) is defined as a chronic generalized pain syndrome with characteristic symptoms like unrestful sleep, fatigue, stiffness, and/or mood disturbance.
The overall prevalence of FM in the general population is 2%, with a rate of 3.4% in females and 0.5% in males. FM accounts for 20% of referrals in rheumatology practices, and 7% in general practices. , FM affects nearly all aspects of life with a great impact on work ability and productivity.
Drugs are the most often used treatment option in FM, but nonpharmacologic treatments like exercises, and psychologic interventions are equally or even more effective, especially in the long run. Infrared mainly acts as a deep heat agent predominantly absorbed in the deeper layers of the skin.
In contrast to shortwave or microwave hyperthermia, infrared hyperthermia can be applied in patients with metal implants and cardiac pacemakers too.
On one study, 46 patients with chronic pain received 4 weeks of multidisciplinary treatment; 22 of the subjects also had 15-minute daily FIR Sauna sessions during those 4 weeks. After 2 years, those in the sauna group were significantly more likely to have returned to work (77% vs 50%,) and to have improved sleep scores and trended toward greater improvement in pain behaviour scores and anger scores. The authors suggested that FIR Sauna therapy might be promising for the treatment of chronic pain.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
Another paper supported the use of FIR Sauna therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome suggesting that mild warming of the whole body produces a sedative effect via the sensory nerve endings. Thermal therapy also promotes blood flow in the capillaries and relieves muscular spasm related to tonic muscle contraction and pain. This study found that physical and mental complaints decreased, and pain and depressed mood improved, suggesting that repeated thermal therapy exhibits sedative and analgesic effects.